I have the best jobs ever.
I work part time at a salon and spa as a receptionist.
I get to greet people when they come in, answer phones, schedule appointments and clean.
And. I. Love. It.
I work with GREAT women.
Everyone there is a friend.
The owner and manager have been amazing.
They were truly SAINTS when I needed them most during a hard time.
I don't think they know/understand how much that stuck in my mind.
The ladies are funny, outgoing, honest and most of all... help me with my hair. :)
I do not have stress, but I have responsibility, it's PERFECT.
My second part time job, I just started at a doggie day care, lodging and training center.
It. Is. Awesome.
I get to greet people and their dogs, make them feel welcome and comfortable leaving their dogs with us.
I try to always have a sunny disposition... how can I not?
I get to see all kinds of dogs - all day long!
I'm just getting to know the people there, but we've had a few laughs and I think they know I'm silly, but responsible.... I hope they know that.
We were speaking with random accents today for no reason.... :)
Today we had a 3 month old Shih Tzu sit on our work desk all day and we got to pet her, and cuddle her and it was PERFECT.
I love my two jobs.
I love the area of customer service I have found myself in.
Greet, smile, happy, loving, caring and honest... it's working well for me.
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